Gas prices be damned, we put a collective 1500 miles on our cars in the past three weeks. The first trip was our somewhat annual pilgrimage to Northern Wisconsin. I say somewhat because due to my finite vacation time, I was unable to go last summer so as to save vacation time for our trip to Italy, so this year's trip was extra special.
It's difficult to describe to someone who's never been but there's a certain magic to the Northwoods you just can't find anywhere else. It's the perfect combination of scenery, weather, people and pace. I turned off my cellphone upon leaving Cook County and didn't turn it back on until returning, ditto my e-mail account, it sat collecting e-mail and spam for a week without my giving it a second thought. What a wonderful feeling. By complete coincedence, both of our families have cabins in the same Northwoods town (different lakes though) which makes the vacation plans a snap. The only questions are which nights to spend at which cabin and whose favorite supper clubs and bars will be frequented as there's never enough time for everything. We managed to strike the perfect balance.
The first week in August is always when we head up north because of Loon Day, a daylong festival involving arts and crafts, a carnival atmosphere and, of course, the loon calling contest. It's a day so richly American that it almost seems cribbed from a Garrison Keillor story or Norman Rockwell painting. The town of Mercer, WI is called "The Loon Capital of the World" because it actually is; Mercer has more loons than any other town in the world. At around noon, at The Heart of the North Bar hosts a loon calling contest which features entrants from different age groups competing against each other to determine whose 'call' is the most authentic. Representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources are on hand as judges. There are actual favorites and if Vegas had any smarts, they'd handicap the event. ESPN2 could broadcast live.
That's only the first three days of the Northwoods experience, more to follow.
Sounds like a great trip - I love it up there.
I remember the first time I recall hearing a loon - I was like 'Ahhh that's what that awesome bird sound is in 808 State's Pacific'
Posted by: Jeff | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 02:26 AM
Yeah, you never forget the first time you hear a loon, it's pretty amazing.
Posted by: ken | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 09:29 AM
I live in the land of Loons. They are incredible birds, especially when you see them with their young riding on their back. Those red eyes are kind of eerie, too. You want more Northwoods action, you give me a call.
Posted by: Jenn | Monday, September 22, 2008 at 06:08 PM